There may not be overwhelming graphics among us, but it is very consistent with the concept of the game. There are also some very cool skin colors to choose from. But be careful which colour you choose, because every colour can say something about you. Human nature judges something on the basis of appearances, and so do we. Once the game starts, your colour choices will simply betray tons of colour stereotypes that can work for or against you, so choose wisely. After investing hours and hours in the game, your colour says a lot about you with us.
Which colour among us means.
Read on to find out what the colour of your character’s skin means.
It’s certainly the color of danger among us, as in real life. You could even say it’s the embodiment of Soos. People will suspect you despite the fact that you are an innocent crew member, which may lead to your liquidation, so be careful. As someone who chooses the color red, you seem to want to attract attention, and you always want to be the subject of conversation – which can work against you in the game scenario. Nobody believes you when you try to blame somebody. But if you feel brave, choose this color for further testing.
You’re the quietest person at the table. People automatically assume you’re a girl, and often you’re one of them. This player is associated with a pink skin and a beautiful floral headband. You wear your calm, even if you’re an impostor. No one suspects you during the whole game, and if you act like a crook, you can even win as an impostor. You’re actually a silent killer, like a bad guy, and a good rookie, like a teammate.
You’re the worst member of the team, but one of the best crooks. As an impostor, you’re the one who skillfully accuses all your teammates of destruction. But there’s a time when you blame too many teammates and now you’re usually haunted. Sometimes they call you light blue, but that’s how you separate beginners from professionals. Only experts call you Syan.
Everyone around you feels safe, and that’s your biggest advantage. You’re the best crook, don’t deny it. As a team member, you take the initiative and influence others to vote for someone you don’t like. As an impostor you are very good at handling false tasks and directing the actors who accompany you in the electric room.
You’re always too quick to ask questions on the conference table, so you’re sent into the room the quickest. When you play as a team, you perform tasks quickly, but you don’t know how to turn things around when the responsibility falls on your shoulders. You’re also the one calling an emergency meeting for no reason.
You’re only here to be an impostor. As soon as you find out you got a boring teammate, you leave the game and go hunting for another team where you can become an impostor and get blood on your hands. If you are an impostor in a game with other impostors, leave them alone to protect yourself. You make your own statements because you like it when other players end up blaming each other.
You stay unnoticed in the game and make the best of it. As a teammate you are friends with other innocent players and you protect them and yourself. But as a crook, you act stupid and you’re easy to kill. First ask where your favourite hobby is, especially after you’ve killed someone yourself. They absolutely hate it when people call emergency meetings for no reason. But what you hate most is when players call you light green. It’s Lyme, for God’s sake!
Dark green
You’re the one who’s coming here. As soon as the game starts, you will immediately start performing all tasks. But they are also constantly accused of playing the game. Everyone wants to blame you, even though you were good on the team. The same goes for cheating, but then you are at a disadvantage. You don’t know who’s watching you and you kill your teammates until you’re thrown off the spaceship.
You may be a big crook, but you rarely get the chance to be one. The quality that sets you apart from other colours is that you can hide in the air vents and wait for your teammates to arrive. Sometimes you can be too naive to make decisions when you are.
You’re a loyal teammate who keeps doing his job, even if he’s become a ghost. Regardless of the seriousness of your injury after death or after being thrown out of a spaceship, it is always your duty to return and complete missions. It’s not much, but it’s honest work.
You’re the one who’s mad at gambling. You’re out of the game in a rage, if even someone suspects you. When you die, you don’t prefer to perform your duties as a ghost because you’re too angry to do so. But if you play like an impostor, you’re the king. You concentrate on killing all your teammates without losing your head.
You’re probably still an impostor looking for blood. The villain in you takes over and you sabotage everything to win. As a member of the team you like to be a lonely and aggressive detective. They look at the other players in the rooms to see what they are doing. Sometimes you look into Medway to see who’s doing the CT. You know exactly who shot the asteroid. Their suspicions usually come true.
It’s the meaning of the colors in our house and what they say about you. Do you like to wear pretty hats in this game? Then find out what your hat says about you among us.
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