Shepard manages to escape the clinch now. Melee attacks are now linked to a button press instead of automatically based on the proximity of the enemy. The accuracy and controllability of the weapon has been greatly improved. Particle efflorescence is better controlled. Removed the vibration from sniper rifle weapons. Enhanced camera view with range/density display. Improved targeting system for target control. All affected enemies now receive bullet damage in the first game. (Some didn’t before, especially humanoid enemies).
Pattern mods (anti-organic, anti-synthetic, etc) can now be dropped throughout the game. (They used to stop dropping at higher player levels. Now they are also available for sale from vendors). All weapons can be used by any class without penalty. Specialization (the ability to train/improve a particular weapon) is always class specific. Weapons get cold much faster. Improved use of copper gel (reduced base cooling). Increased upgrade benefits. Increased Liara’s bonus on cooldown).
Improving warehouse management. (Items can now be marked as waste. All waste can be immediately converted into Omni Gel or sold to resellers. Inventory and stock now have a sorting function. (Some skills have been rebalanced. Weapon power has been improved (i.e. those unlocked in the skill tree of each weapon type): efficiency/power has been increased (in some cases, duration has been reduced), heat is now reset when power is activated).
They’ve changed other things in the game, so here’s another list: Squads can now be controlled independently in the first Mass Effect, as well as games 2 and 3. Mass Effect individually. Some boss fights and enemies from the first game have been reworked to be fairer for players, while still being challenging. The cover art has improved over the course of the trilogy. (Additional coverage has been added to some sessions. Entry and exit coverage is now more secure). XP was rebalanced in the first game. The ammo was recovered in Mass Effect 2.
Here’s what they’re saying about the XP change in Mass Effect: XP has been rebalanced for better consistency, especially towards the end of the game. Players who complete most aspects of the game successfully should be able to reach the higher levels of a game in a more reliable manner, rather than having to play a second time. Also, there is no longer a level cap when you first play the game. Next thing you know, ammo will be optimized in ME2: We felt there was too little ammo in the original game. In Mass Effect 2 we have increased the ammo drop rate, especially when using the sniper rifle, as in the original version the ammo drop rate was reduced.
And the M-35 Mako? In the original game, Mako was too light and bouncy due to the physics setup and sometimes even got out of control, but now the ride is much smoother […]. Features have also been improved, with faster shield recharging and new rear thrusters offering more speed when you’re inevitably trying to lift the side of a near-vertical cliff. This recharge is separate from the jump jets located under the vehicle, so you can use them simultaneously or separately. And here’s a list of changes: Improved road holding (improved physical configuration to be more enjoyable and less slippery). Improved camera control (fixed issues that prevented Mako from aiming accurately in tight corners). Shields are reloading fast. Added new thrusters to increase speed (their cooling is separate from the jump jets). XP deduction when playing Mako removed. Hitting lava no longer immediately interrupts the mission, but causes damage over time.
Unifying and modernizing the trilogy was also important to BioWare: We’ve merged Shepard’s customization options in the character creator and even added some new options, like additional skin colors and hairstyles. You can use the same character creation code in all three games, meaning you can now give Shepard a consistent look throughout the trilogy, or you can change his look at the beginning of each title. Character settings and appearance have also been improved with updated textures and hair models. We also have Mass Effect: Dark Horse Genesis comics into the core experience for Mass Effect 2 and 3 as an additional experience, allowing players to choose from the previous games regardless of their starting point.
And here is the list of updates provided by BioWare: New single starter for all three games. (Includes settings for subtitles and trilogy languages. Saves are always unique to each game and can be independently controlled). FemShep from Mass Effect 3 is the new default female in all three games (the original FemShep design is still available as a preferred option).
The achievements of the entire trilogy have been updated. (New achievements have been added to the trilogy. The progression of certain achievements now applies to all three games (e.g. kill 250 enemies in all games). Achievements that were merged into one achievement and made redundant have been removed). Built-in weapons and downloadable content packs with armor. (Downloadable weapon and armor packs are now naturally integrated into the game; they can be obtained through in-game exploration or purchased from vendors, rather than unlocked right at the start. This provides overall balance and progression in Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. The Recon Hood (Mass Effect 2) and the Cerberus Ajax Armor (Mass Effect 3) are available at the beginning of each game).
Additional gameplay and quality of life improvements. (The sound has been remixed and improved in all games. Hundreds of bugs from the original versions have been fixed. Integrated controller and 21:9 monitor support on PC, with DirectX 11 support), BioWare writes.
And Mass Effect 3’s Galaxy at War feature has also received a makeover: […] The Galaxy at War feature takes you deep into the Reaper war of the Battle of Normandy Information Centre, which has been rebalanced in the Legendary Edition. Thus, galactic preparedness no longer relies on external factors that are not part of the collection, such as multiplayer or the old companion app for Mass Effect 3. However, this does not necessarily mean that defeating the Reapers will be easy. The more content you complete during the trilogy, the sooner you’ll be ready for the final battles at the end of the trilogy. If you’re just playing Mass Effect 3, you have to go through almost every option in the game to get an ending that doesn’t result in massive galactic casualties.
Playing the first two games and delaying your progress is the surest way to get good results in the final hours of Reaper of War. By comparison : If you’ve already played Mass Effect 3 with the Extended Cut (in which Galactic Prep has been rebalanced), it will be harder to fully prepare for the final battle in the Legendary Edition. And on that note: The ending of the Extended Cut is now the default ending of the game. Managing your intergalactic armies just got easier in Mass Effect 2, thanks to crucial bug fixes and improvements to the Paragon Renegade system backend. We fixed some outdated issues that prevented accurate reputation statistics from being displayed, as well as the fact that some dialog options could not be selected when they should have been. This means that key moments that were notoriously difficult to achieve in Mass Effect 2 (and the impressive Mass Effect 3) can now be executed more reliably, leading to better results in the final act of the story, according to the team.
IGN has released a preview video (embedded below) showing off the improved Mako controls, updated Noveria, and combat changes from the original Mass Effect, as well as some subtitle changes from Mass Effect 2 and 3. The Legendary Edition of Mass Effect will be released on the 14th. May for PlayStation 4, Xbox One (new backwards compatible consoles) and PC (Steam, Origin).
Source: Gematsu
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