Aura Kingdom, the anime MMORPG, has three different game classes: Close to the fight, reach and magic. Each class has its own weapons, skills and abilities. This guide recommends the best Aura Realm classes, taking into account individual statistics such as damage to a single target, AOE, defense, escape, healing and support. In addition, this better composition takes into account the comfort of the beginners, the application of the game and the overall value of the class.
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The gunslinger has many similarities with the ranger, the bow and arrow have been replaced by magic bullets and the use of traps. Gunslinger is not perfect in any of the categories of statistics, but his only goal, AOE, dodging and support are all enough. For players who want to conjure magic from afar, Gunslinger is a good choice.
Sacred Sword
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The ultimate class based on PvP, the Holy Sword, is generally best used in a semi-supportive role and is known for its serious damage. Over time, the sacred sword attracts divine energy and uses it to confront one another. In addition, the Divine Explosion, one of its main skills, causes much more damage and can create special effects, which is a game changer. AOE is the best Holy Sword ability, but the Single Purpose, Defense, and Support also shine.
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The Lancer is considered the best class in terms of DPS potential because it pumps the fastest damage of any other class. That’s why the Lancer is OP and stylish enough for players who want to jump on the battlefield. The casting has excellent AOE damage as well as fairly decent single target, defense and healing stats.
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Ranger is a good choice for players who want to hit their enemies from a distance and use bows and arrows in battle. The use of arrow keys is a recipe for success on the battlefield. Overall, the Ranger’s AOE damage is excellent, while the damage, evasion and support for a single purpose are also decent statistics.
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The rider increases his power with the Rage system, which is generated by practicing each offensive skill. The greater the anger, the more damage the attacks do. Damage and defense is the Ravanger’s best statistic. For this reason the Ravagers are classified as offensive jugglers doing their best work in the front line.
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When a Shinobi launches an attack, he has the ability to summon a Shadow Warrior, an ability that gives him direct support in battle. When he casts Shadow Warrior Shinobi spells, he also performs them, which increases his total damage potential, which is huge. Shinobi’s sole purpose is to inflict and avoid damage – also in the matter at hand.
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